Atmosphere renderer developed in C++ using the Mitsuba 2 renderer.
This Bachelor’s Degree final project is based on Guimera’s physically-based optical model of the atmosphere.
Report: PDF (in Spanish)
Slides: ODP | PDF
Render from outer space without aerosols (Pinhole camera). XML
Render from inside Earth’s atmosphere without aerosols (Pinhole camera). The Sun is 90 degrees above the horizon. XML
Render from inside Earth’s atmosphere without aerosols (Pinhole camera). The Sun is 180 degrees above the horizon. XML
Renders from inside Earth’s atmosphere with Desert Dust environment (Fisheye camera) and different atmosphere turbidity (increases from left to right). The Sun is 90 degrees above the horizon. XML | XML | XML
Renders from inside Earth’s atmosphere with different aerosol models (Fisheye camera). The Sun is 30 degrees above the horizon. XML | XML | XML | XML