Andrés Gavín Murillo

I am a Computer Engineer, and I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Zaragoza in 2020, with an average grade of 7.20 out of 10.

University projects

Atmosphere renderer

My Undergraduate Dissertation mark is 9.50 out of 10 (with honors) and is titled “Modeling and Simulation of Light Transport in the Atmosphere”. It is based on Mitsuba 2 rendering system and implements a physically-based optical model of the atmosphere using experimental data measurements and being able to render images from different locations (similar to photos taken in the real world). Project link (GitHub) | Project link (University) | Source code

Out Run

Sega Out Run 1986 remake developed in C++ from scratch. Project link | Source code

Path Tracer

Path tracer written in C++ from scratch. Project link | Source code


GitHub: agavinm
Twitter: @agavinm_